Caballero, M.D. and Pollock, S.J. “A Model for Incorporating Computation Without Changing the Course: An example from middle-division classical mechanics.” Am. J. Phys. 82.231 (2014).
P.W. Irving and E.C. Sayre. “Upper-Level Physics Students’ Perceptions of Physicists.” Contributed Poster, International conference of the learning sciences. (June 2014).
Irving, P.W. and Sayre, E. C. “Becoming a Physicist: The Roles of Research, Mindsets, and Milestones.” Contributed Poster, American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Wolf, S. F., Doughty L., Irving, P.W., Sayre, E.C. and Caballero, M.D. “It’s “Just Math”: A New Epistemic Frame.” Contributed Poster, American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Caballero, M.D., Stroupe, D., Tessmer, S.H., Laverty, J.T. and Irving, P. W. “Blending Content and Practice: Designing a New Introductory Mechanics Course.” Contributed Poster, American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Wolf, S. F., Doughty L., Irving, P.W., Sayre, E.C. and Caballero. “It’s “Just Math”: A New Epistemic Frame.” Contributed Poster, Physics Education Research Conference. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Pawlak, A., Doughty, L., Irving, P.W. and Caballero, M.D. “Exploring students’ use of visual representation in introductory electromagnetism.” Contributed Poster, Physics Education Research Conference. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
E.C. Sayre and P.W. Irving. “We know it when we see it: Thinking Like a Physicist.” Invited Talk, American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting. (January 2014): Orlando, FL.
E.C. Sayre and P.W. Irving. “Professional Development of Pre-service Physicists: Affordances and Constraints.” Invited Talk, American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Traxler, A., Mahadeo, J., McPadden, D. and Brewe, E. “Multiple Representations and Epistemic Games in Introductory Physics Exam Solutions.” Contributed Talk, Annual American Association of Physics Teachers Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
McPadden, D. and Brewe, E. “The Impacts of Instructor and Student Gender on Student Performance in Introductory Modeling Instruction Courses.” Contributed Talk, Annual American Association of Physics Teachers Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
E.F. Redish, C. Bauer, K. Carleton, T. Cooke, M. Cooper, C. Crouch, B.W. Dreyfus, B.D. Geller, J. Giannini, J. Svoboda Gouvea, M. Klymkowsky, W. Losert, K. Moore, J. Presson, V. Sawtelle, C. Turpen and K. Thompson. “NEXUS/Physics: Rethinking physics for biology and premed students.” Poster, Mid-Atlantic Regional Learning Assistant Workshop. (February 2014): College Park, MD.
McPadden, D. and Brewe, E. “The Impacts of Instructor and Student Gender on Student Performance in Introductory Modeling Instruction Courses.” Invited Poster, Annual Physics Education Research Conference. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
K. Hinko. “Analysis of Students' Scientific Creativity in an Afterschool Physics Program.” Contributed Talk, American Association of Physics Teachers, Summer Meeting. (July 2014).
K. Hinko. “Supporting the Physics Identity and Practices of University and K-12 Students through Outreach.” Invited Talk, American Physical Society, March Meeting. (March 2014).
Sawtelle, V., Gouvea, J.S. and Turpen, C. “Harnessing Affinity Towards Biology to Support Diversity in Physics.” Contributed Talk, National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. (March 2014): Pittsburgh, PA.
Geller, B.D., Dreyfus, B.W., Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Sources of affect in interdisciplinary sense making.” Contributed Talk, International Conference of the Learning Sciences. (June 2014): Boulder, CO.
Gouvea, J.S., Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B.D., Sawtelle, V. and Turpen, C. “In biology we never explain: The construction of epistemological stances in course experiences.” Contributed Poster, Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Geller, B.D., Dreyfus, B.W., Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Explanatory coherence in an introductory physics for life scientists course.” Contributed Talk and Poster, AAPT National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B.D., Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Chemical energy in introductory physics for the life sciences.” Contributed Talk and Poster, AAPT National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Geller, B.D., Dreyfus, B.W., Gouvea, J.S., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Explanatory coherence in an introductory physics for life scientists course.” Contributed Poster, Gordon Research Conference. (2014): South Hadley, MA.
Sawtelle, V., Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B.D., Gouvea, J., Redish, E.F. and Turpen, C. “Beyond the Numbers: Finding Mechanisms to Support Diversity.” Contributed Talk, AAPT National Meeting. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Sawtelle, V., Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B.D., Gouvea, J., Redish, E.F. and Turpen, C. “Designing and refining physics for biologists: The scaling up process.” Contributed Poster, Physics Education Research Conference. (July 2014): Minneapolis, MN.
Lin, S., Douglas, S.S., Aiken, J.M., Liu, C., Greco, E.F., Thoms, B.D., Caballero, M.D. and Schatz, M.F. “Peer Evaluation of Video Lab Reports in an Introductory Physics MOOC.” Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference. (2014): 163-166.
Douglas, S.S., Lin, S., Aiken, J.M., Thoms, B.D., Greco, E.F., Caballero, M.D. and Schatz, M.F. “Peer Evaluation of Video Lab Reports in a Blended Introductory Physics Course.” Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference. (2014): 75-78.
Aiken, J.M., Lin, S., Douglas, S.S., Greco, E.F., Thoms, B.D., Caballero, M.D. and Schatz, M.F. “Student Use of a Single Lecture Video in a Flipped Introductory Mechanics Course.” Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference. (2014): 19-22.
Laverty, J.T., Tessmer, S.H., Cooper, M.M. and Caballero, M.D. “Engaging Physics Faculty in Course Transformation.” Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference. (2014): 147-150.
Doughty, L. and M.D. Caballero. “Rubric Design for Separating the Roles of Open-Ended Assessments.” Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference. (2014): 71-74.
Caballero, M.D., Burk, J.B., Aiken, J.M., Douglas, S.S., Scanlon, E.M., Thoms, B.D. and Schatz, M.F. “Integrating Numerical Computation into the Modeling Instruction Curriculum.” Phys. Teach. 52.38 (2014).
Ding, L. and Caballero, M.D. “Uncovering the hidden meaning of cross-curriculum comparison results on the Force Concept Inventory.” Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 10 (2014).
Traxler, A., Mahadeo, J., McPadden, D. and Brewe, E. “Multiple Representations and Epistemic Games in Introductory Physics Exam Solutions.” PERC Conf. Proc. (American Association of Physics Teachers). (2014): 247-250.
McPadden, D. and Brewe, E. “The Impacts of Instructor and Student Gender on Student Performance in Introductory Modeling Instruction Courses.” PERC Conf. Proc. (American Association of Physics Teachers). (2014): 183-186.
Modir, B., Irving, P.W., Wolf, S. F. and Sayre, E.C. “Learning about the Energy of a Hurricane System through an Estimation Epistemic Game.” Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings. (2014).
Wolf, S. F., Doughty L., Irving, P.W., Sayre, E.C. and Caballero, M. D. “Just Math: A new epistemic frame.” Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings. (2014).
Irving, P.W. and Sayre, E.C. “Conditions for building a community of practice in an advanced physics laboratory.” Physics Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 10 (2014): 010109.
Geller, B.D., Dreyfus, B.W., Gouvea, J.S., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Like dissolves like: Unpacking student reasoning about thermodynamic heuristics.” Proceedings of the 2013 Physics Education Research Conference, American Association of Physics Teachers. (2014): 157-160.
Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B.D., Gouvea, J.S., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Negative energy: Why interdisciplinary physics requires multiple ontologies.” Proceedings of the 2013 Physics Education Research Conference, American Association of Physics Teachers. (2014): 129-132.
Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Gouvea, J.S. “Harnessing Affinity Towards Biology to Support Diversity in Physics.” Proceedings of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. (2014).
Redish, E.F., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. “The role physics can play in a multi-disciplinary curriculum for non- physics scientists and engineers.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Mathematics and Science Education Research Conference. (2014).
Geller, B.D., Gouvea, J.S., Sawtelle, V. and Turpen, C. “Sources of Affect around Interdisciplinary Sense Making.” Proceedings of the International Conferences of the Learning Sciences. (2014).
Redish, E.F, Bauer, C., Carleton, K.L, Cooke, T.J., Cooper, M., Crouch, C.H., Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B., Giannini, J., Gouvea, J.S., Klymkowsky, M.W., Losert, W., Moore, K., Presson, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C., Thompson, K. “NEXUS/Physics: An interdisciplinary repurposing of physics for biologists.” Amer. J. Phys. 82. (2014): 368–377.
Geller, B.D., Dreyfus, B.W., Gouvea, J.S., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Entropy and Spontaneity in an Introductory Physics Course for the Life Science Students.” Amer. J. Phys. 82. (2014): 394-402.
Dreyfus, B.W., Gouvea, J.S., Geller, B.D., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. “Chemical Energy in an Introductory Physics Course for the Life Sciences.” Amer. J. Phys. 82. (2014): 403-411.
Dreyfus, B. W., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F. "A Vision of Interdisciplinary Education: Students' Reasoning about 'High-Energy Bonds' and ATP." Phys. Rev. ST—Phys. Educ. Res. 10. 010115 (2014).
Dreyfus, B.W., Geller, B.D, Gouvea, J., Sawtelle, V., Turpen, C. and Redish, E.F., “Ontological metaphors for negative energy in an interdisciplinary context.” Phys. Rev. ST—Phys. Educ. Res. 10. 020108 (2014).
K. Hinko, J. Seneca, N.D. Finkelstein. “Use of Scientific Language by University Physics Students Communicating to the Public.” Physics Ed. Res. Conf. Proceedings, AIP Press. (2014).
A.-M. Hoskinson, B. Couch, B. Zwickl, K. Hinko and M. Caballero. “Bridging Physics and Biology Teaching through Modeling.” American Journal of Physics 82.5 (2014).